United Apostolic Church Europe


God gave his church and mankind means for a new way of life. These means are the word, the sacraments, the ministries as well as the spiritual gifts. Sacraments are holy acts which reconcile us which the grace of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

The signs of our sacraments (water, laying on of hands, bread and wine) have a symbolical meaning. The effects of the acts have to become visible in man's life. Faith is the condition for the effectiveness of the sacraments. Without faith and the honest will to renew and develop ones own spiritual life the sacramental
acts do not meet its goal.
Every sacrament has its own special meaning, they can be differenciated but not devided.

The teaching of the "United Apostolic Church Europe" is based on the three sacraments:

The Baptism is the admission to christianity. It is a cleaning and washing away of sins. With baptism the christian receives an uneligible seal that distinguishes him from the un-baptized - for his sake or harm.  With baptism there rests a unifing bond within christianity. Everyone who received baptism is bound with other christians. Normally we baptize children in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. We recognize the baptism of other christian denominations if it was done with the trinitarian formula.

With administering the Holy Sealing by the laying on of hands, we accomplish what the Bible tells us about the work of the first apostles. Many biblical passages illustrate that besides the baptism with water the apostles accomplished a laying on of hands. It promotes and evolves the reborn life of baptism to growth, blossom and maturity in Jesus Christ.

While baptism is administered by all ministries (except deacons), the Holy Sealing is only administered by apostles.

While preparing for Holy Communion we are absolved from our sins through our faith in the sacrificial death of Christ and our will for repentance.

Afterwards we celebrate the Holy Communion every sunday with a concecrated wafer which is dipped in wine or juice. Everyone is invited to join the ceremony of joy, thanksgiving and rememberance. In this we experience reconciliation with God, communion with Jesus Christ and his peace.

The Holy Spirit is active in all of the three sacraments; his efficacy is not limited to the laying on of hands during the Holy Sealing. The Holy Spirit operates where and when he wills.

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© Vereinigung Apostolischer Christen Schweiz, 18.01.2000